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Dear 2010,
I have taken a vote and decided we are going to become very good friends.

2009 and I had our differences. She let me hit rock bottom and I only hope you will be a better friend, and be there to catch me, if by some chance, I slip. I decided I am not making a list of resolutions to myself, that I hope to complete, because I know that each year when I make them, they tend to go unfinished. Dieting? Yea, that seems to work good for the first 2 weeks unless of course there is a snickers sitting on my desk before then... Work out more? I could possibly do this, if you help me find my running shoes... I think they are lost in the pile of my high heels, which may take months to dig through. Study harder? Eh, well... motivation comes with the way I am feeling that day, so we will see how this pans out. Yet, my dear friend 2010, I do have ONE resolution, I hope you can help me with:

I want adventures. I need adventures. I promise, when an adventure is thrown my way, I will stand tall, with my head high and accept it, with a smile on my face. Throw them my way. I am ready.
_ Rasha
pee ess: oh and 2010, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, my dear friend, Summer & Kristen have openings in their 9 month hotel for their little ones. kthanksbye.

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