Wednesday, March 31, 2010

20 freaking 1+

Dear Rasha,

Well you made it. You're now the big 21. I know you have been contemplating and worried about where you're going in life and if you're making the right decisions or if your Daddy would be proud of the woman you're becoming. But I'm here to remind you to slow down. Take it easy. Enjoy life and take it all in. Your life is NOW, this moment, is your life, so stop waiting for it to start. Take every adventure that's put forth in your path. Say yes, when you know you should say no. Make the wrong choice sometimes, but remember to make the right choice when it matters the most. Don't worry about those who put you down, they're just insecure and don't fully understand your potential. Don't be sad about the life you live, it's the only one you got and it's the one who made you, who you are. Don't cry when you think of what and who you lost, smile because you have your Angel. Don't hurt or worry over stuff that is out of your control, one day it will all make sense. Do everything you want too. Do what makes YOU happy, not someone else. Continue to dance in your underwear, while singing into your hairbrush in the morning. Never lose your sense of faith. Never lose what makes you, you. Have faith in yourself, see your full potential and always remember you're a beautiful amazing girl, inside and out and they're hard to come by.

And just between the two of us, I think Daddy's really proud of what you've become.

Close your eyes. Make a wish and Live it up.

+ Yourself.

p.s. Don't be afraid if one day you feel you've lost yourself... you're still that same little girl.

I will be in Vegas, tomorrow... Oh birthday weekend, how I love thee already.


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