Sunday, March 28, 2010

As requested, here are the translations of "Koucha no Oishii Mise" X)

*This one was a bit hard to translate since it's very "poetic"...
Since I'm not a poetic person, I've just translated as it is.. -_-"
So, it might not make much sense (even in Japanese, I still don't really get the meaning of this song.. haha), but I hope it gives you an idea of what it's about =D

紅茶の美味しい店 (Koucha no Oishii Mise)

夢の世界へ連れてって あなたの声について行く
二人で川を渡るのね こんなに流れ早いのよ

Take me to the dream world, I will follow your voice
We're going to cross the river together, it's flowing so fast

丘を登って草原 ha……
からだを休ませて からだを休ませて

After grabbing your arm,
without fail, I'll ask you a favor
Go up the hill, then meadow ha......
Rest your body Rest your body
Feel the gentle breeze

私は決めているの ずっとあなただけ
私は決めているの 心を許す人

I've already decided - Only you forever
I've already decided - The one I trust

夢の世界へ連れてって あなたの声について行く
二人で町を歩くのね 誰かが見てる私たち

Take me to the dream world, I will follow your voice
We're going to stroll through town together, somebody's watching us

角を曲がったお店は ha……
紅茶が美味しいの 紅茶が美味しいの

Tell me everything about you
I want to get along with you for tomorrow
The shop around the corner has ha......
a very nice cup of tea, a very nice cup of tea
Even the time will stop flowing

私を離さないで 喧嘩しただけで
私を離さないで 涙を流しても

Don't let me go - From just an argument
Don't let me go - Even if I cry

私は決めているの ずっとあなただけ
私は決めているの 心を許す人

I've already decided - Only you forever
I've already decided - The one I trust

私を離さないで 喧嘩しただけで
私を離さないで 涙を流しても

Don't let me go - From just an argument
Don't let me go - Even if I cry

夢の世界へ連れてって 二人で川を渡るのね
夢の世界へ連れてって 二人で町を歩くのね

Take me to the dream world,
We're going to cross the river together
Take me to the dream world,
We're going to stroll through the town together

Thank you, 'aya-chii16' for requesting!
It's good to know that somebody actually reads our blog X)
I don't know if I have enough time to translate all the songs from the album (haha) but I'll definitely try to translate them when I have the time =D
So, stay tuned! X)



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