Monday, March 29, 2010

Trust me, I’m not going to make a habit of posting swimming related articles on this blog, but I had to post about this. This picture of a TCU swimmer was posted on The thing I found interesting was the swimmers cap. It has the Horned Frog bloodlines on it like the TCU Nike Pro Combat football uniform the team wore against Utah and Boise State last season.

I think it looks about as cool as you can make a swimmers cap look. I also like the fact that another TCU sports team has incorporated the bloodlines into their uniform.

I know a lot of TCU purist don’t like the red and argue that it’s not part of the school colors. I on the other hand disagree. I think it looks great and draws attention to TCU’s unique mascot. Black and Silver aren’t TCU’s school colors either, but both have been used for uniforms previously.

I would like to see the bloodlines incorporated in more things, but that’s just my opinion.


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