Tuesday, March 23, 2010

As you all may know, Morning Musume were invited to attend the 'Haru Kore' - Spring Collection Fashion Show on the 14th of March, 2010.

Here is the vid ↓

Here are some pic scams of the show =)

↑ Kinoshita Yukina - known as the girl who auditioned for the 5th Gen (Takahashi, Niigaki) but couldn't get in. But she is now, more popular than MM.

For those who are interested in watching the whole Fashion Show, here it is ↓

I think Renai Revolution 21 was the right choice =D
but I wish they sang their recent song as well as that song for people to recognise them as the "new" Morning Musume.. but oh well..
It seems like Ai-chan and Reina are the most popular ones, but I reckon Kamei looked more like an model than any other members in the group X) yay Kame!
Aaanyway, I better go to bed now. lol (I've been posting for hours now! Xp)



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