Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I can't really think of anything other than my birthday and Vegas. Which doesn't help with my current situation of having a blockage on blog material...Since, I have already asked you all about Vegas, I guess that only leaves the Birthday part to talk about, which common' your girl is turning the big 21 who wouldn't wanna talk about it? So I found a little birthday survey and thought that would be kinda fun to fill out.

How many birthdays have you celebrated so far? - Well seeming as I'm turning 21, I have celebrated 20 so far.

When is your next one coming up? - T minus 2 days! (if you count today)

If you could get anything, realisticly speaking, what would you ask for? - who wants something realistic?

If you could ask for something magic or like superpowers, which kind? - To fly.

Who do you want to be with during your birthdays? - All the people I love +

How do you plan to celebrate your upcoming birthday? - I'm going to VEGAS the day afterrrrrrr!

What was the worst present you ever got on a birthday? - A kitten sweater... it was ridiculous.

What was the worst birthday fiasco you ever had? - I've never really had a crazy birthday.

Did you ever purposely give someone a crappy gift? - Who me?

Who would you never ever ever want to attend your birthday? - Someone I didn't like

What was the best birthday present youve ever received? - Crawling Cathy. She was a doll I got for my 5th birthday, before my dad passed away, the next year. I still have her. +

What was the best birthday youve ever had? - Last year was pretty great, lets see if this one tops it!

Why was it so great? - My Best BEST Guy Friend Yanni, who drove all the way from cali JUST for my birthday that night, planned a surprise b-day party, it was pretty great.

What is your fave birthday activity, even if you havent done it (yet)? - Not sure?

Who would you love to come to your birthday to celebrate with you? - Daddy + but he is there in spirit.

What did your family do to celebrate your birth? - My birth? Not sure, I guess just be happy? haha

What happened for your sweet 16th birthday? - Nothing special, I had a party, but no car.

Would you be okay with dying on your birthday? - Well, that wouldn't be my "ideal" situation at all... but The Maker knows what he is doing and when the timing is right, plus, I would get to see my Daddy +

What did or will happen for your 21st birthday? - It's going to be my 21st WOOT WOOT and I'm going to Vegas!

Happy Tuesday!!



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