Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional." ~Chili Davis

Today, is my last day of being 20.

When I turned 20 last year, I had a hard time accepting the fact I was no longer a "teen." I was being thrown into adulthood and I wasn't ready. I then realized, 20 wasn't so bad. Nothing major changed. I still felt like that 19 year old girl, I just had a different title.

21 sounds so much older.

Though, I realize now: I grew up very young in a fast and hard way. I had to be tough. I had to accept losing a father, and helping with my bi-polar sisters. I had to cope with my sisters depression and suicidal tendencies. (which by all means I am not complaining. I would and am there to help at all times that she needs me and I do not resent it one bit) I am the youngest in age, but I'm the oldest in almost every other way.

I don't regret my life, I wouldn't change my life, I realize that I am who I am because of the trails I've been through. I realize that because I lived the life I live, I will never be that 21 year old that screws up her life by making horrible decisions, and that is a great feeling. (No I'm not implying I can't mess up, I know that I can. I just think by watching and going through what I have its made me stronger.)

I'm turing the big 21 tomorrow.

It's a bitter sweet feeling.

Also this girl:

Did a really cute shout of for my birthday, so I just want to leave a specially thank you to her.

Lace Face:
I just love you. Every time I read your post or we talk a smile instantly goes on my face. Your optimistic when you have reason to be sad and that in itself is something to be admired for. I just love you and you're the cutest girl ever. xoxo thank you for making my day better, and for realizing I needed the smiles and also for the early birthday wishes! I simply love and adore you. muah!! + Rasha Girl

Happy Wednesday Everrrboddyyy!
Come back tomorrow and wish me Happy Birthday!
T-minus 1 day and T-minus 2 days till Vegas.

p.s. I got some news today, that I never expected to hear in my entire life. I choose not to disclose at this time. It's life changing, its dramatic, happy and very depressing at the same time. My heart is very heavy, but I know that God has bigger plans than we do, so things will work out. I just have to find the courage to look at the optimism in this situation. Please pray.

Any good advice for turning 21??



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