Friday, March 26, 2010

Thanks to, new drawings of the Amon G. Carter Stadium renovation plans have been released to the public. When I first saw these pictures I was in total amazement! Once this project is finished, this stadium is going to be absolutely beautiful.

Here is what I think I know, if someone reading this knows more feel free to leave a comment to correct me…

TCU has raised a significant amount of money for the stadium renovation but are still looking for more monetary donations before breaking ground. The plan is to start construction at the end of the 2010 football season and do the renovations in two phases. The west side and north end zone are schedule to be completed in phase one, and phase two will take place after the 2011 football season completing the east side. Once everything is complete, Amon G. Carter Stadium should hold around 40,000 people with the ability to easily expand to 50,000 if needed at a future time.

There are a lot of other features you can see from the pictures like the placement of the video board and things like that. Take a look, and I hope enjoy them as much as I did. If all of this falls in place like it looks that it will, “The Carter” will be a very loud and intimidating place to play.

Thanks again to Wes at for posting these outstanding pictures.


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