Wednesday, March 24, 2010

list of complaints.

I have two test tomorrow.

Yesterday was my only night off, before the test.

I have to close for work tonight till 9pm.

For sign language, other than the narrative story we have for the test, she also has us read a 30 page chapter in a book. No big deal, since they are often interesting, but then she pulls out random dates and test us on them... Umm, I'm sorry, I thought this was a sign language class, not a history class, and quite frankly, I can't recall the year when the first death president died, as well as seven other dates, when I read about 25.

I have the worst headache imaginable, because when the alarm went off this morning, boyfriend and I both had the same idea to hit snooze, and our heads collided. Not the best way to wake up, if you can imagine.

A girl next to me in the library got up and left her books, her laptop, her purse, everything sitting there and walked away. She was gone for like an hour or more. When she got back and she told me, "thank you for watching my bags." Um? I didn't know I was? you didn't ask me too, and quite frankly, I am annoyed that you assumed, I would watch them. I am BUSY studying. If something would've got stolen, do you think she would have got mad at me, since I was "watching" her stuff?

I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed and irritated, right now, if you couldn't tell.

I'm ready for tomorrow to be over.

I'm ready for Vegas to be here. (10 days)

Although this picture (from before the wedding) makes me smile: +

(which reminds me I can find my camera cord for the rest :( grr)

I hope you're having a better day than I am. Tell me a joke?



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