Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Well, I was bored.. so I was watching through random ºC-ute's old concerts and stuff, and I found this reeeaally interesting vid!

How heartwarming was that!! X)
Maimi lost her voice from her illness, and wotas were kind enough to sing her lines for her!
ºC-ute has the best fans ever =D
(although it's been said that ºC-ute's concerts has the most troublesome fans where they have big fights, and big enough for the police to get involved.. lol and it's not just one time, there's been a couple of them too.. -_-")

Aaanyway, did u see what I thought I saw!?!?

Is that Maimi and Chissa kissing!?!? O_o!!
Omgsh! yes, they are!!! lolol

There's this other vid, with ºC-ute's members talking about this scene ↓

Airi: Aaaaa! Kissing! Hey this...... hey..... hey, hey, hey!
Ume-san: In this scene,
Others: yea?
Ume-san: One of you guys... were meant to dodge the kiss right?
Chissa: Yea, Chisato (I) was meant to dodge it.
Maimi: Yea, no, Chissa first..... no, when I.... normally, yea... at first Chissa were like 'no no' and kept dodging it. But.... she didn't!
Chissa: Well, it was part of a plan. Because when Kanna couldn't attend the concert (from illness), we weren't as a whole. And when Chisato couldn't attend (from illness), Chisato wouldn't be here right?
All: yea
Chissa: So I thought I'd do it when we are all here as a whole.
Airi: 'DO IT' hahaha
Maimi: Eeeh, Hey!

I didn't know Chissa was a lesbian!!! lol
Well, I'm sure she didn't reeeally mean it, but the way Maimi took was so funny! She couldn't even speak properly! hahaha Xp

Airi's 'hey, hey, hey!' was cute too. lol

Aaanyway, I thought it was interesting.



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