Thursday, April 1, 2010
Meet our newest family member on the right, now named Elliot Scandal Dooley. (That name could totally change six times before we settle on it for keeps, btw.) He came from a big-hearted sled dog rescuer in Idaho who snagged him from a bad situation in early March. We've been fabulously distracted by his arrival this past week and it's been a welcome brain break. We're over the moon, actually.
Elliot is a malamute/husky mix and he's going to be 70-80 plus pounds huge. What's in store? True to his breed(s), we can expect this wonderfully people-focused boy will have some prey drive that we'll need to monitor. And we'll have to keep our fences in good repair and make sure he doesn't get escape fantasies. We know he's intelligent, super impressed with obedience work and he seems ready to enjoy being part of our pack of dogs - even so, he's going to need to be socialized to the nines with all kinds of other dogs while he's young, then will need measured intros as he matures, especially with other male dogs. Since he's a confident fellow, we'll have to learn what his hot buttons might be so we can prevent arguments with other dogs (it's looking like one of his buttons could be TOYS) and we'll have to stay on our toes and remind our friends not to stir things up when they come over to play with everybody. Sound familiar, pit bull owners?
Having this joy boy in our lives is like having all the responsibilities of a pit bull but with none of the baggage that comes along with that bad-word-name. I didn't have to think twice about which airline to use when I brought him home since none of them ban his breed, and everyone I talked with from here to the baggage claim was thrilled for me ... "A husky dog! Congratulations!" Random strangers at the airport rushed over to pet him and offer their best wishes. Not one dirty look, ignorant, insulting comment or mention of harm caused by irresponsibly owned sled dogs. It was like the whole world was supporting me; wishing us well. Wow - What a vacation! So this is how other dog owners live? Having Elliot is going to remind me what it should feel like to own a pit bull, and I have to thank him for that ongoing and much-needed reality check. We sure have a long ways to go, pit bull people.
Stop the Shock Jock
While I was blissing though air travel with my new heart throb and soaking up all the love, his soon-to-be pit bull siblings back home were taking a beating from a dipshit shock jock attorney on a popular radio show. If you're from the SF bay area you probably already know that long-time pit bull hater Len Tillem on KGO radio advised a caller who was worried about unruly neighbor dogs to toss poisoned meat over the fence to solve her problem just this last Monday. Why? One of the dogs at the home was a pit mix and good old Len doesn't like him some pit bulls. So this brilliant attorney recommended malicious animal cruelty to a radio listener.
A transcript of the conversation, and audio:
Len Tillam: Let me ask you a question. I'm not encouraging it. Have you already started thinking about rat poison wrapped in hamburger meat thrown over the fence?
Caller: Uhm...No
LT: Well you should
Caller: Well I thought of something but I have a cat...
LT: Oh wait til they kill your cat. Pit bulls love to kill cats. Wait and see what and your 3 year old kid will have to go to therapy because he saw his dead cat being chewed up by the pit bull.
Caller: Oh I hope not.
LT: Welcome to pit bull world. And everything I'm saying about pit bulls I mean and I know with all my heart is true and if you own a pit bull you're an idiot.
After phone complaints to the station, Tillem offered a half-assed apology, but we're less than impressed. Care to join us in calling him on his actions? We'd like to see stronger repercussions. For one, you can join us in filing a complaint with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for actively promoting an act of animal cruelty to a radio audience (maliciously poisoning an animal in California can be charged as a felony).
Phone: 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322)
TTY: 1-888-TELL-FCC (1-888-835-5322)
Fax: 1-866-418-0232 e-mail: fccinfo@fcc.gov
You can also file a complaint and ask the State Bar of CA to investigate this unethical attorney. They certainly will, if they get complaints.
For the pit bulls. Thank you.