Saturday, March 12, 2011
So my babe's been doing some funny things lately... like making this face:
when she just can't take it anymore. It's been cracking.me.UP!
Here are a couple more drama shots:
Sometimes, just one ear:
And sometimes she gets distracted by those funny things sticking out of her head, and tugs on them:
Pretty funny, right?
Well, she's been doing the "head grab" since Thursday, and we've been really entertained by it. Until she did it pretty much non-stop last night, so we got worried. And I started feeling like a terrible mom: What if she had an earache and has been trying to tell us this whole time and we've just been laughing? And I've been taking pictures of her pain? I AM HORRIBLE! So I called the nurse asap and made a late night appointment.
Here's how that went:
= all smiles.
Our girl's fine. 100% healthy. She's just giving us a peek of the d-r-a-m-a to come. And I love it.
Three months and she's making this face when she's upset: