Friday, December 4, 2009

The Accident

Greetings All, The boyfriend here! The following is a tale of action, destruction, heartache and well just all around craziness.

I woke up early to make sure I could arrive to my supply warehouse (aka Grandma's garage) and fill my trailer with the necessary stock to promote good sales and therefore lead to income. Stocked trailer and headed in route to my destination (a four mile trip from my Grandma's house). It was a cold morning and the Dodge Cummins was running great and I smiled because I could hear the turbo squealing due to the cold air intake I put on recently. Took my time making it through the school zone making sure to observe my more mile. The street I need approaching...merged to center light ahead. I start to enter the intersection when out of the corner of my eye I see a car coming straight towards me...time to act fast to try and stay alive...with both hands I guide my 6000 lb truck along with 1200 pound trailer between the oncoming death and a signal light pole...but it was not enough.

She slammed directly into the driver side front quarter panel then proceeded to skip along the driver side portion of both my vehicle and the trailer. The cover on my truck bed was ripped off and flung about 100' along with my trailer being pushed into the signal light pole that I didn't want to hit. All the supplies which I had taken the time to stock in very specific locations less than ten minutes ago were now strewn about the intersection like confetti at some weird birthday party. Two truck tires burst and I spun around on an axis along with both trailer tires bursting. I now faced what hit me...a totaled car...a bystander went and made sure she was okay...she got out of her vehicle hysterical and I just sat in my beloved truck and sighed; "What to do?" The authorities arrived on scene and I picked up all the material I sales but glad to be alive!

Over and out,

Scary right? You have NO idea. I woke up to a frantic phone call at 7:30. I instantly knew something was wrong. Boyfriend knows not to call me before 9. I answer the phone, and I hear his voice. Ok, he is alive.

"What's wrong?" I ask
"Babe. I was in an accident. I'm fine, but the truck is totaled. I wont make it to take you to class on time, haha"

How could he be laughing? Well that's boyfriend for you. Mr. Optimistic himself, and makes the best out of every situation.

Even though he told me he was ok, I wouldn't be ok till I seen him I was a mess. I called my mom and I cried for an hour why she tried to calm me down and remind me that he is not injured. He came home 4 hours later and the tears started flowing. He was completely fine, other than being extremely sore.

I can not express the gratitude I felt in that moment. 14 years ago, I lost my Daddy in a horrible car accident. I know with 100% surety that Boyfriend is alive and safe, because of my Daddy, my Angel .^^^

On a lighter note: Happy Friday Everyone!


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