Thursday, December 3, 2009

Recent Buono! appearance in the 'Hyper Hobby 2010' Magazine, January edition =) Enjoy =D

- I've listened to your 9th new single, 'Bravo☆Bravo'. It's such a happy song!
Miya: This time's a Happy Rock!
- It's such a optimistic, cheering song. I reckon it was a must for you guys to be singing this song, it's like a song just for Buono!, don't you think?
Miya: I always try to change they way I sing to suit the theme of the song. For Buono!'s songs, I try to sing with a strong, ROCK singing style. I wish people could tell the difference. Somewhat different from Berryz Koubou, we get to wear a lot of ROCK style outfits, so it makes it easier for me to adjust too - because my moods change dramatically with what I'm wearing. And with Buono! concerts, our interaction with our fans are so different to our usual concerts.
Airi: ºC-ute recently has a lot of optimistic, happy songs, but if we're talking about cheering song, it has to be Buono!. ROCK is such a different genre from what we're used to sing, so I put so much more effort when I sing within Buono!. I know Miya has already mentioned this, but, our fans at our concerts act so differently. I don't know how to explain, but the reaction of the audiences are so different from ºC-ute concerts and Buono! concerts. I wanna show my ROCK side at ºC-ute concert someday!
Momo: Berryz Koubou has a lot of Love Songs. They're all about having boyfriends or not, or about broken heart stories. But Buono!'s single songs doesn't really have those kind of songs. Even the song called "Kiss Kiss Kiss", it sounds like a love song from the title, but it's actually a cheering song. So every time I sing within Buono!, I try to sing it from the bottom of my heart so the message gets across to everyone. But even singing it ourselves, it gives us energy at the same time as well!

- The coupling song "-Winter Story-" is a winter song.
Miya: It's a cute song.
Airi: The lyrics are so cute~!
Momo: There's this line, "what are you doing now? come over here in 5 minutes" but it's such an impossible thing to say!
Airi: Hahaha~
Momo: But I like this line, "I've been loving you 2 whole years". It's such a good line~.

- By the way, is there anything you particularly pay attention to, since it's such a small group unlike Berryz Koubou and ºC-ute?
Momo: I am an official LEADER in Buono!...
Airi: lol
Miya: lol
Momo: In Berryz Koubou, we have our Captain whose older than me, so I do whatever I want to do (lol), but within Buono!, these two girls tend to be doing okay, but sometimes I need to pull themselves together since I'm the leader of the group!!
- Oh I see. Anything to say girls?
Miya: When I've first joined Buono!, I thought I need to try to be more responsible and independent. Because within Berryz Koubou, I rely on Captain (Saki) a lot, and even Maasa whose the same age as me, she's more like an older sister who's reliable.
Momo: Wait a minute, what about me? I'm older too!
Miya: But within Buono!, I feel like I have to take the lead. Because like Airi, at events and suff, she tends to do mysterious moves and sometimes daydreams...
Airi: Ooops.
Miya: But usually she's fine, so I'm not so worried, but with Momo, you have no idea what she'll do next. That's when I think I'll need to step forward and stop her before it becomes a total mess-up.
Momo: That's not true! You can rely on me!!
Miya: I've been trained a lot within Buono!.
Momo: .......
Airi: There's no Buono! without Miya's support.
Momo: ..... Okay then!
- How about you Airi-chan?
Airi: I actually act more freely within Buono!. I daydream a lot. Because within ºC-ute, I'm like in the middle (age). I can be relied sometimes, but since I'm not the oldest, it's not the same reliableness as the older ones. Within Buono!, since I'm the youngest, I can just rely on the older ones, so I can do whatever, and they'll stop me if I do anything wrong.
Momo: I'll take care of you Airi!
Miya: Yea, yea.
Momo: Hey! You know, Miya doesn't know how to express her feelings properly! She is a 'tsun-dere'.
Miya: You like 'tsun-dere' don't you.
Momo: At the moment, she's acting like this, but when we are just by ourselves, she's like, "Momo, how do you do this again?" or like before our concerts, she goes, "Momo, I'm so nervous!". Miya tends to get cold hands when she's nervous, so I always say "You'll be fine!" and holds her hands!
Miya: Oh yea~, I remember those times.
Momo: Hey! You should Appeal your other side more! lol Miya!
Miya: (to the interviewer) I'm sorry about Momo acting like this.
- Oh, no problem. (lol)
Momo: Hey!
Miya: When we have concerts, and when something happens, it's usually Momo's fault.
Momo: But when Miya and Airi forgets their lines, I save you guys!
Miya: ....... I don't make mistakes.
Airi: lol. Well, anyway, we are doing our best as we can.

- I went to your last concert in August! Tsugunaga-san had a bit of a surprise there, didn't you?
Momo: ...The Aa! (group) song came on.....
Airi: It was the second time we organised a surprise event. The first time was at our first Buono! concert, and it was Miyabi-chan's Birthday. We made a Fake scrip and a Real scrip and made her surprised. So I'm getting used to making people surprised.
- That would mean that it might be your turn next.
Airi: Gueee~
Miya: That's a possibility.
Momo: Yea! There might be! But I can't tell you much about it!!
Airi: ..........
Miya: ..........
Momo: ........ sorry.

- (lol) You'll be having your first Live Tour in December!
Miya: Yes! I'm so excited, but at the same time, I'm so worried about it. But I wanna have lots of fun and show off how hot we are.
Airi: At our December Tour, we'll be singing a lot of new songs, so I'm looking forward to see the reaction of the audiences!
- How about you LEADER!?
Momo: O.. Ye.. Yea! Thank you very much! Woa.. I'm so grateful to be called LEADER! You've just made my day!
- lol.
Momo: lol. We've only been able to have a concert in Tokyo, so it's our first time to have it at Osaka and Nagoya! I'm guessing the audience's reaction would be different! So I'm looking forward to see the differences!!
- Do you have any favourite song which you would like to sing at the Concert Tour?
Momo: I wanna sing all the new song and single songs, but what I really want to sing is the song called "ROCK no Kamisama". Oh, and "-Winter Story-" will definitely suit the season!
Airi: I wanna sing that song too! The storyline is about boyfriend and girlfriend, but you could see it as the fans and Buono!.
- Oh yea! That's a brilliant idea!
Airi: Ahaa~ Thank you!
Momo: Can I say something cool too!? There's this line, "Santa Claus is sometimes you, and sometimes me" also can be seen as us being the Santa Claus for everyone........
- Oh.. Yea.
Momo: !? What is this!?
- Well, I just went with the flow......
Airi: lol. That was funny.
Momo: Hey! What about you, Miya?
Miya: Definitely "-Winter Story-".

- Lastly, Hyper Hobby's reader might not know Buono!'s songs yet, so please leave a message for the readers! Starting from Airi-chan, Miyabi-chan, and we'll get the LEADER to close the interview!
Momo: Wha!
Miya: That'd be right.
Airi: "Bravo☆Bravo" is a song which feels like we've gone back to our initial Buono! song as it's a cheering song, and the outfit are similar, and it has a similar song feel. So I would like everyone to know how Buono!'s ROCK is like. And then I want you to listen to our single and hopefully our album and I would like to see you guys at our concert someday!
Miya: I believe everyone has a dream or something what they want to do in the future. Ever since I've started this job, I have this dream to challenge a lot of things in the future too. So I would like you to listen to "Bravo☆Bravo" and hopefully we'll catch our dreams together. Our concert is going to be super hot, so I would like everyone to come along!
Airi: Your turn, LEADER.
Miya: Your job to close the interview.
Momo: Hey, stop giving me so much pressure...... "Bravo☆Bravo" will be released 16th of December and soon after we'll be hitting year 2010. I believe everyone will have new aims or goals starting next year, so I hope everyone would listen to the song and hopefully give you happy energy! If there are people around you that needs some cheering, sing the "Bravo☆Bravo" song to them for farewell....
Miya: lol. Farewell.....
Momo: I think it's a song that needs to be sung at new year party and farewell party~!
Airi: lol Farewell Party.....
Momo: I would like everyone to end the year with Buono! and Start off with Buono!.

- lol. This will really be the last question. What are your aims for next year?
Momo: We've been saying we want to have a concert abroad but..... anything else?
Airi: Do a promotional video..... at Italy!
Momo: Buono! means "Delicious" in Italian! Well then, that's our aim for next year! And eat lots of delicious food at Italy!
Airi: Spaghetti~!
Momo: lol. Oh, can I say one more thing? I'll close the interview properly!! "Thank you very much for your support this whole year. Please keep in touch next year too"..... wasn't that awesome!?
Miya: lol.
Airi: Keep in touch.
Miya: Keep in touch.
- lol. Thank you very much for today!

NOTE: 'tsun-dere' means someone who acts so tough most of the time, but sometimes shows a weakness (cute-side).

Wheeew.... that was long... -_-"
Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed reading!



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