Friday, December 11, 2009

That’s the sound of the infuriating, deafening, alarm clock. How I loathe those things. Don't get me wrong, they are genius but they are also evil, very evil. Especially when they go off at 6:00 AM. Ok! I understand thats not early to SOME of you... but mind you I wake up at 8:45 daily... Although I'm not quite sure what happened to me, maybe it's the getting old thing, because in high school, I got up at 5:00 AM everyday for nursing... yup, got up to wipe some.... k, lets not go there...

One good thing about getting up early is this:

It's beautiful. Its breath taking. It's full of hope.

When I look up there, I see two things.

1. I see my Heavenly Father, who promises that each day He will give me the suns rays.

2. I see my Daddy. My angel, and I know without a doubt he is next to me every second of the day.

I can not look at that sky, and not have Hope. I can not look at that sky, and not know that everything will be okay.

Much prayers for my dear friend Summer, and to many others I know that are experiencing a rough time... I know it doesn't seem like it now... but things will get better... the sun always rises.

"The Darkest Hour Is Just Before The Dawn."


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