Sunday, December 6, 2009

I'm in one of those moods. You know, those cry baby ones. I've been in it all weekend and can't seem to get out. It's from many reasons: The whole accident of boyfriends, School finals studying- enough said on that one, empathetic to my dear friend Summer and others... and then forgetting to do a project that I am now suffering major from. This is SO not like me. I don't forget things. I pencil everything into my planner. That thing is my baby, I buckle it up in the car that I don't have. I cradle it at night. Seriously, I pencil in things from test, work, down to hanging out with a friend, yes, its true. So forgetting to do a project? THAT'S NOT ME. It wasn't penciled it. I don't know how this happened and I'm distraught. It may not seem like a big deal, but it is, I am not doing hot in the class to begin with and now that I forgot this, well I can kiss my pretty little grade goodbye. Seriously, and Mr. Pottygoingoffontangetsallthetimemouth, is no help at all. Ahhhh! What's is wrong with me? I hate being pessimistic, but that's all I feel right now.

Well on the bright side of things: Boyfriend and I picked up our tree. It's GIGANTIC. Like it barley fit in our house huge.

Ok, so I lied a TINY, but isn't it cute?! We go home to our parents during the Christmas, so we didn't want to get a big tree, since we won't be here, but I was feeling like we were scrooges, so we got this cute one and I tied some strips of fabric on the ends, since well ornaments obviously would be to big. We still need to figure out a star or something for the top... Probably just make it out of some fabric too.

Since its now 1:08 am, it's safe to say that I am going to be VERY tired tomorrow. Joy.... Oh and please wish me luck on my Test tomorrow around 2. Thanks! Much love.

Happy Monday Loves!


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