Tuesday, December 8, 2009

A girl came in to my work yesterday and after talking with her for about an hour she asked well more like, she blurted out:

"How are you so skinny? You are so pretty!"

Pause. I picture myself naked. I laugh. I pack a LOT of junk in my trunk. A LOT.

So I reply:

"I'm on the see food diet" - me
"What's that? Some fish diet or something?" - her
"No.. when I SEE food, I eat it" - me

She didn't laugh... Perhaps she heard it too many times? I go on.

"My boyfriend says: I'm round. I say: rounds a shape."

NOTHING but a weird look.

I felt stupid, so I replied: " I actually don't define myself by skinny or big or any other term. I am who I am. Big or Small."

I get an EVEN weirder look. Cheese & Rice; this girl is hard to please!

When did our weight become what defines us? So if I had happened to be "bigger" I wouldn't have been as pretty to this girl? I'm sorry but I do NOT define myself or people by their weight.

I am NOT skinny. I am NOT fat. I am myself.

P.s. Perhaps I take things people say too seriously?

P.s.s. Note: I do care about my weight and I struggle with it... but in the end it DOES NOT define me. I am trying to lose weight but that's because I hit a rough patch where I let myself go and well now my jeans don't it... Buy bigger jeans you say? Well I would LOVE that, boyfriend says the fact that I have over 20 pairs of jeans that is NOT an option. Boo! Dream Crusher!

P.s.s.s. I do work out to keep fit. err.. scratch that... Boyfriend being the athletic machine he is, he keeps me on my feet. So persistence on his part pays off some. Until my bff, Mari comes over and bakes pumpkin butterscotch cookies and I eat the WHOLE batch. Then we hit repeat on the whole work out thing.

Weight is JUST a number. It can increase and it can decrease, but it's what's in your heart in the end that matters, not the number on the scale.

Note: this doesn't mean I do not struggle with my weight. I do. I am my own worst enemy when it comes to this. I just choose not to have it define, who I am, who I will become, and who I am to others.


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