Tuesday, March 2, 2010

ABC's of Me

{A}: Age - 20. Soon to be 21. $ April 1st.

{B}: Bed Size - Queen
{C}: Chore you hate - Laundry and folding....

{D}: Dog's name - No doggy.
{E}: Essential start your day item - Toothbrush

{F}: Favorite color - Mustard Yellow!!!!

{G}: Gold or Silver - Both
{H}: Height - 5'5
{I}: Instruments you play - No talent
{J}: Job title - Student and Lotion maker?
{K}: Kid(s) - Yes please!

{L}:Living arrangements - Apartment
{M}: Mom's name - Charlene
{N}: Nickname - Rae. Bug.
{O}: Overnight hospital stay - When I was born
{P}: Pet peeve - not putting a new TP roll when it runs out.
{Q}: Quote from a movie - "We were dressed head to toe in love. The only label that never goes out of syle $" -Sex&theCity

{R}: Right or left handed - Righty
{S}: Siblings - 5 older sisters
{T}: Time you wake up - Differs daily.
{U}: Underwear - Yes, I like them?
{V}: Vegetable you dislike - PEAS!!!
{X}: X-rays you've had - Teeth
{Y: Yummy food you make - fooooooooooooddddddddddd. I don't make any?
Z:Zoo animals you like -GIRAFFS!

post brought to you by: Next to Heaven & Perfectly Imperfect

Happy Hump Day!!



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