Sunday, October 18, 2009

Who cried a river & drown the whole worldddd... ok ok, lets be serious:
Story time. Gather around kids. Fold your legs indian style and open your ears to some personal insight.

Unfortunately, throughout my life, I have always been "that girl" who gushes over weddings and has never actually been to one. I've always been the girl that cries at any happy ending in a movie... That girl that gets her heart broken because she is always "the perfect one" but not the "perfect one right now". The girl who keeps going back to the boy who breaks her heart, thinking he will change....I've always been "that girl"...

I've let myself be that girl... and for some reason, I had accepted that I was "that girl".... My first love of 5 1/2 years, broke my heart one too many times. Sadly, after dating him for 1 and 1/2 years he broke up with me...but wanted to continue to "be together" just privately where no one knew... I of course, being that girl, took it... because I thought that "if I just continue he will realize what he is missing out on" - Well to my dismay, he never realized it, and to this day he does not realize the heartbreak and pain he has caused me. I do not blame this upon him, I was the one that wasn't brave enough or had the courage to accept the fact that he was "using me" as so many people told me. Yet; when he begs me now, telling me "Im THE girl" I can't help but feel a repulsive anger and at the same time, laugh... that now, somehow... I'm THE girl....not just THAT girl to him, because I just can not grasp how that is possible.
The way our society works is to define, to "mold" and place people into a certain "status". I because of the way, I react to love, am place under the "sappy girl" or the term I prefer is "hopeless romantic" - Now, don't get me wrong, I agree with these status... I do love the romance and the sappiness of love. Whoever doesn't has not been in love. Trust me; being in love is the most amazing feeling in the world. It truly is magic... but just like magic - There is a dark side.

I have felt that dark side. But in all honesty, I can say that I believe that I'm closer to my fairy tale ending, if its not with Natt, then it's close. One gigantic step closer, because I know that I'm not "that girl" anymore. One day, I will be "the girl."

Tell me, have you ever been "that girl" (or "that guy")??
Labels: Letter to self
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