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I thrive on this unavoidable want to pack my bags, load up the car and drive to another state to start a life. It weighs heavily on my mind, day after day. It's not that I don't like beautiful Arizona, its just this is the ONLY place I remember living in my whole life. sure I lived in cali and new mexico, when I was a baby... but its doesn't count, at least not to me.

I want that life. I want to leave all that I know, and be immersed somewhere where I know no one (expect you amazing bloggers). I want to go to every pizzaria, to find which one I liked best, over again. I want to walk through the city lost, and have some kind person ask me if I need directions. I want to search for the cute coffee shop that poets and writters get their inspiration from. I want this. I don't where this is. but, I crave adventure. I crave packing up my bags, filling the tank and driving with the window down and big sunglasses on. #
I want to find somewhere beautiful.... & get lost. >

For now: I will have a small adventure today. Soon, will come my big one. Soon. %
Happy Monday Lovelies!
wish it was sundayyy.
cause thats my fun dayyy.
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