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Well Hello Thursday! I didn't want to get out of bed this morning because my oh my is it COLD! Ok- I know that 58 degree's might not be cold to some of you, but I'm used to 110 degree weather. Sadly, I realized that ALL my adorable scarfs are up north at my mothers...; But, I still have my pea coat, so all will be well.
My hilarious face, my hair that NEVER does what I want & my adorable black peacoat + Yes, I love peacoats. Yes, I have more than I should.

Well, I probably SHOULD bust out my boots, but since, I am waiting to get my black ones, (yea, I only have brown. Tragic, I know) I am wearing my yellow heels. +

` I hope you all have a fantasticcc thursday. `
+ Rasha
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