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Wow. I feel like I have blogged enough today, but I feel this one is important...
Today, I was in the library with my bff Marisela, and my boyfriend. We were laughing and having a good time when we received a text from ASU alert system that there has been a suicide by firearm on campus. We were told no one was in danger. Little news has been posted, yet, what is known is: The male was in the professors office, when he pulled a gun out and took his life.
I luckily was not to close to where this happened, all I can say though, is that I am so glad this man wasn't one to take his hurt or frustrations out on others. I am filled with grief that he felt taking his life was the only choice he had. I wish I could have talked to him, and let him know his value. My heart goes out to his family and friends and to the professor that witnessed this tragic event.

Please hug your loved ones tight. If you feel that you have no where to turn than suicide, talk to someone. there are ALWAYS people who care, if you feel you have no one, even though you may not know me. I care.
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