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Hi. my name is Rasha and I'm going to be pessimistic all day so if you don't like my complaints, leave. kthanksbye. Ok- no lovely bloggers, i love you, don't's just one of those days... and all i wanna do is curl up and go back to bed... so maybe if i purge and release my anger i'll feel better? probably not, but its worth a try.

Dear Nasty Indian that smell drunk, you asked if you could sit next to me to use the outlet. I kindly agreed, and after 10 minutes when you didn't take out your computer and just kept talking to me. Yes, I got frustrated. I do not want to play 20 questions with you and quite frankly you're freaking me out... DON'T talk about me tooshie!!!!. "Girls with asses like mine do not talk to boys with faces like yours" - (get my reference?) Thank the lord you left, or I might be in jail. + the girl who hates you.
Dear pedestrians, lets recap what you should do in a situation when a bike comes at you. This is similar to a car that comes on your right, what do you do? Swerve to the left. Great job! So if they come at you on the left, you? Swerve to the right. Excellent! You passed, so next time I am coming up on your left, DON'T STICK TO THE LEFT. You scuffed my fender & I wanna punch you. + the girl in a bad mood.
Dear creators of slim-fast, I can know understand how your drink makes people lose weight... When you say "creamy milk chocolate" instantly i think of bliss, but when I take a drink, my gag reflex goes from 0 to 9, causing me to want to throw up this toxic form of liquid i just inserted in my body. great job on helping people become bulimic. + the girl thats going to puke.
Dear boy, the idea that you are in the girls section looking for a pair a pants is already bothering me. Then I notice you are looking at size 0 jeans and that fact that you are 5 sizes smaller than me is really starting to damage my ego, so if you could please go to the isle labeled "men" or eat a cheese burger, I would greatly appreciate it. k thanks. + the girl who feels fat
Dear jeans, I have been so faithful and I loved you for so many years. How could you turn on me and not zip this morning? My life feels as if its coming to an end... I know that I have gained some weight, ok a lot. but srsly, its not ok for my "lucky" jeans (no not the brand lucky...) to not fit on this shi**y day. Thanks to you, I am wearing my lame abercrombie jeans and didn't do as well on my quiz... + your ex
Dear Scale, I wanna toss you out the window when you read off my weight. How was I, 20 pounds less 3 months ago? You lie. Perhaps changing your batteries would work? or better yet, Ill just take them out and then step on the scale. HA then I would be weight less.... I win. + your enemy.
Well to be honest, I do feel a tad bit better...
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