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Well the night started off with some pizza from a place called OTTO'S: I love little no name pizzeria, cause they usually have delicious sauce. Well, this one ISN'T top 100838094 in my book... The crust, literally so flat... It's like; Can I have some crust with my cheese?? kthanksbye..... BUT the night got better;
I do believe disney land is the happiest place on earth. without a doubt, but I think fairs & circus & carnivals are the next best thing. I feel like I am 20 going on 7 there. I want to ride everything, and I get easily distracted by shiny bright things.
The incrediblyhugeginormousmonstropolis ferris wheel

gorgeous view right??

time for mushygushy love stuff. (if Marisela is reading this... it's all for you! ;)

I kinda never wanted to get off...

You got to kiss a lot on Ferris Wheels... I read that somewhere?

Ummm, wtf am I doing? Quite frankly, I think I'm weird....

but its ok, cause he picks his nose?

he reminds me of Elf, when he is like really super excited about SANTA!

Can you see the heart on the right just above my shoulder? (kinda hard to see click the pic to enlarge it and you will see it.) Ya, I didn't do it, but I think its cool it was in the pictures... Hopeless romantic? Yes, I am.


Yea, that's right. I won the elmo one. natt won the others. You know the whole sludge hammer game? Well, if you hit anything above 130 (tops are 140) you win a prize... Yeaa, well natts kinda a badace and hit a 132 & then a 138... What's that? My boyfriend rocks? yes, yes, I know! :)
Well that was my fantasttiiiicc friday night... What was yours like??
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