Sunday, November 22, 2009

The first Single for 5-nin ºC-ute, 'SHOCK!' preview has been released!

Release Date: 6th of January 2009

According to the Japanese Wotas Blog (who were there at the event - YOMIURI LAND), it seems like this song has been sung mainly by Airi. And the rest just sang the chorus bits, and they've took turns saying 'SHOCK!' at the end of those chorus.
-which is pretty surprising because usually ºC-ute's songs were mainly sung by Airi AND Maimi. But for some reason Tsunku has decided to just give all the lines to Airi, which I don't really get... (if you listen to the preview closely, you could actually hear the wotas saying, "Airi? Airi? ... Airi?" hahaha)

Aaanyway, another surprising announcement, is that the NEW ºC-ute has decided to change their Members Colours.

It used to be:
Yajima Maimi - Pink
Nakajima Saki - Orange
Suzuki Airi - Light Green
Okai Chisato - Blue
Hagiwara Mai - Light Purple
(Umeda Erika - Yellow)
(Arihara Kanna - Red)

NEW ºC-ute:
Yajima Maimi - Red
Nakajima Saki - Blue
Suzuki Airi - Pink
Okai Chisato - Green
Hagiwara Mai - Yellow

Waaaaat....!?!? right?
Nakky, blue!? Chissa, green!? Airi, Pink!? Same as Momo!?
It's going to be soo weird for a while until we get used to...
But the thing is, 'what was wrong with the original colours??'- I mean, it was their favourite colours, right?? ...I reaaally don't get what Tsunku is thinking...
It's interesting to see if Airi's gonna keep her LightGreen for Buono, or fight pink with Momo haha We'll wait and see =P



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