Saturday, November 21, 2009

It's like an early Christmas! Photos from celebrated photographers are starting to arrive at our house in prep for the Big 10 Anniversary party and photo exhibit. (Party Info HERE) Below are some of the pix you'll be able to see and bring home with you on December 5 from Carol Guzy, Eric Risberg, William Widmer and more ...

To help you celebrate your own super star, photojournalist Nina Zhito has made a really generous offer: Every attendee who donates $20 at the door will be entered into a drawing to win a free photo session with Nina for your very own professional portrait. Double that donation and double your chance of winning.

Above: Copyright Nina Zhito

Nina is willing to travel to your favorite location for your shot. And if the photo just so happens to include our favorite breed, we'll publish it here for all to enjoy. The lucky name will be drawn at the end of the evening.

Thank you for your most fabulous offer, Nina! See Zhito's work HERE


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