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"I can not hide what I am. I must be sad when I have cause, and smile at no man's jest; eat when I have stomach, and wait for no mans leisure; sleep when I am drowsy and tend on no mans business; laugh when I'm merry and claw no man in his humor". (flatter no man)- Shakespeare: Much ado about nothing
Too often we are succumbed to the pressures of what is expected of us or what others want for us. I took the CNA courses at a community college throughout high-school, and though I learned an enormous amount, and I enjoyed it for the time being, it was not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, however, I still enrolled for the pre-med program at my university. I got accept, and for the first year I was miserable. I didn't want to be learning this stuff, so why did I continue? Honest answer, I didn't want to let my mother down. She had high hopes for me becoming a Doctor in the family, and granted that is a very honorable ambition, it wasn't what was going to make me happy in the long run. I finally switched my major. I'm sure my mothers heart broke, but I can not live a life I do not want.
For years while dating my ex, I looked in the mirror every morning and I told myself, " you can do this" and I turned around with a smile on. I realize now, if I am feeling crappy, I'm not going to put a smile on my face so those around me can feel comfortable, by gosh if I wanna frown I will frown and if you don't like it, get the heck out of my face.
I will do what makes me happy. I will be who I am. I will laugh when I think something is funny (even if its inappropriate) and I will cry when I am sad. I will dance no matter where I am if my favorite tune comes on and I will help everyone I can.
But one things I will not do is; succumb to others wants that are not my own.

Remember to do what makes YOU happy. After all, you're the one who has to live with yourself for ever.
pee ess: My wonderful boyfriend bought us NEW MOON tickets.. *do the happy dance* It's a really big deal because even though he went to opening night with me to twilight and watches it with me at home, he HATES crowds and he dreads going to movies on opening night, plus what boyfriend wants to take their girlfriend so they can SWOON over a sexy vampire?! * Team Edward!* Thank you baby!!
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