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"Well color me happy; there's a sofa in here for two" if you don't get the reference, you will probably never understand me. Anyhow, seriously though color me happy. i am positively glowing. i just got my 3rd, yes 3rd award! My darling girl jenni bestowed it upon me.

Well I love sugar, and I've been told I'm a doll, so what's a better award for me?!
Rules are i tell you 10 facts about myself, which is actually stressing me out because i have a lot of homework for school and i'm not really interesting, so i will have to spend a good amount of time thinking about this which means putting off homework... oh well, what the eff school work is boring!
1. when i was 5 years old i asked my mother if i could have a cookie and she told me that i could after dinner. her and my older sister went to the grocery store to finish getting food for dinner and my daddy was in control. he fell asleep and i took a cookie off the counter and went and hid behind the dresser to eat it. later when my mom returned, she was freaking out on my dad for falling asleep while watching me and now i was missing... they had 3 teams of police men searching the town and put out an alert for a missing 5 year old. the chief told his men to search the house one more time and that is when i was found fast asleep with a half eaten cookie in my hand. lets just say from then on out my mother was never reluctant to give me a cookie.
2. my name is pronounced ray-sha. not once in my life when meeting someone for the first time (who hasn't talked to me or heard my name) has pronounced it correctly. it makes me want to punch them, even though its not their fault.
3. well three actually contradicts #2 because officially, like on my birth certificate official, my name is "baby girl gardner". Apparently, my parents couldn't decided between "Vanessa" and "Rasha" and when finally, my mothers name won, obviously being Rasha, they must have forgotten the small detail to go back and put it on my birth certificate... now, i understand that i was the 6th kids so they had a lot on their hands, but, wtf, now my whole life is screwed up. exaggerating? a little, but not much seriously i have to go through so much crap just to get into school, let alone other problems.
4. i am almost 21 (HOLLA!!) and i don't have a divers license...why? well i would like to tell you some interesting story on why, like i am a felon or something.. wait that isn't cool at all?....but re-read number 3 and you will understand.
5. i don't have a favorite color. i hate when people ask me what it is. seriously some days its purple, some days its green, sometimes it matches the color of my poop, k wait, i'm not really a fan of poopy color, but you get where i was going.
6. i hate hate hate the number 6. no its not because of 666 being the devil or anything like that.. it's just that everything bad that has happened to me has revolved around a 6. seriously.
7. i love the movie matilda. yes i understand its a kids movie and is out dated, but its a good story line non-the-less. plus i wanted powers like her. hello moving things with your mind, if you wouldn't like to do that, well, then thats just weird.

8. one of my favorite movies is matchstick men. if you haven't seen it rent it. its about con artist. for some reason, i am drawn to the arts of conning (is that how you make it plural im not really sure?) because i also love heartbreaks which is another con movie. maybe, i should be a con artist? or perhaps i am? be careful what you do, i might be conning you.
9. i triple check my alarm before falling asleep at night even though i know its set correctly. why? because my sophomore year of college, i had a huge midterm for a class i was not doing so hot in and well, my alarm clock DID NOT go off. I woke up 45 minutes into the class (it only goes for an hour) and i've never gotten dressed so fast in my life, hauled my tooshie to class and begged my professor to let me take the test. he ended up letting me even though it is against rules to allow the student to start the test after the first student turns in his finished test (which by the time i got there half the class was gone) Even though I hated that professor and he was horribly bad at teaching, i have a special spot for him in my heart. so that is why i check it three times even when i know its set.
10. i have over 35 pairs of jeans. before you freak out, most of them have paid for themselves. meaning that i have worn them so many times wearing them paid for buying them. its not my fault. i love jeans. im a jeans girl. I also have over 20 different purses. i blame this one on my mother. she hates shopping unless its for purses and for some terrible reason i inherited this obsession for buying purses. thanks mom for not naming me and making me have a purse obsession.
Well there you have it now you know a lot about spaztastic baby girl gardner. hope you enjoyed.
pee ess: boyfriend entered me into this contest called "green label savings" or something like that, from mountain dew and turns out I won!! im so stinkin happy, i could pee a rainbow. i never win anything. nothing. never. and i won a sweater... well technically he won it for me, but whatever, im overjoyed... here it is:

you can laugh at that picture. i know i am. idk what i was doing in it, but i didn't feel like taking another. nor did i feel the need to put on make up... im showing you my true colors, take it or leave it. haha. be jealous of my sweater cause it pretty much rules. it has a monster on it. coolest.sweater.ever!
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