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If you haven't read part one (click on part one, its a link!), you should probably do that before continuing for the full drama filled effect.
NOTE: So, my ex, wrote me an email begging me not to say anything mean or not to finish the story. I was taken back by this, for many reasons. One, I understand he is sorry for what happened and doesn't want to keep remembering it, and that is FINE. I understand making mistakes and wanting to let them go. Secondly, I am not the kind of person who even though someone who has hurt me, I would burn. I am NOT writing this so he feels horrible about the past. I am NOT writing this so you know what I went through and the heartache I experienced, I am writing this because I NEED to get past this, to move on, to let go.
Now, where were we? Oh yes... where it went wrong.
It was a cold night and the heater was blaring in his car. I remember it took me hours to get ready that night, trying to remember what dress he said he liked, and which he didn't. I wanted this night to be perfect. We parked outside my house, as we did so many nights before, to talk, to kiss, to lay in each others arms.
I remember the six words that changed my life forever.
"Maybe we should just be friends?"
My heart sank. I lost my breath. I started to hyperventilate. The only thing I could muster out was; " Are you breaking up with me?"
I could not believe this was happening. As tears stream down my face, I asked him to say the most hurtful thing in the world to me. I needed to hear it. I would not accept this if I didn't. It wasn't real. This wasn't real, unless he says it... and then he said it. loud and clear.
"Were over"
I wiped my tears, grasps the handle, and swung the door closed. I walked into my bathroom, slammed the door, and I sat there, crying and throwing up for hours.
After a couple days passed, we talked. He wanted to continue to be "together", but not together. What? Ya, I was lost too. The only thing I could think of during the four years it continued is: I'm doing something wrong. Everyone tried to convinced me it was him that was wrong. Not me. Yet, I went along with it. I let him pretend we were not together around people and we were when were alone, and that was my fault. It was MY fault that I let this continue to happen. It was MY fault, I didn't see the potential in myself, and see how much I deserve. It was MY fault. I realize that now, and I accept it.
I wont say that I'm thankful for this experience, because it hurt like hell. But, I will say that I learned a lot from it. I learned that when you don't see that light in his eyes anymore, walk away, because, my favorite part of any happy ending, is the look on the face of the man that claims he loves the woman in front of him... and you know what?
Boyfriend has that look. Every time he glances at me. _+

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