Monday, October 12, 2009

This is a bad luck / good luck story about yet another group of bust dogs who've been given the green light to live...

Good luck. This wonderful creature was removed from one of several midwestern dog fighters along with 34 other dogs in the summer's big seven state sweep.

Bad luck. She was taken to a location where the law defines pit bulls as vicious. Bad for pit bulls, bad for local shelters and rescue groups, who have such a hard time placing pit bulls that most don't even bother to try.

Good luck again for the dogs - Two federal agents each started proactively searching for someone qualified to evaluate the dogs and organize rescue efforts. (Did we ever tell you how much we're starting to like our federal government? who knew!)

Their search brought them to our door, and of course we agreed to get out to Iowa and do our part to help the dogs. Even better luck, Rachel Anderson and Lara Peterson of A Rotta Love Plus in Minnesota were willing to take time away from their busy schedules to assist in the evaluations and help us sort out the difficult task of matching dogs to foster homes.

Like deja vu. Four of us met in mid-September and loaded up on triple lattes in blazing heat so we could get to the task of sussing out dogs and hoping hard for their futures. This past Friday - on Tim's birthday no less - a federal judge for the United States District Court for the Southern District of Iowa reviewed the evaluation results and ruled - Yes - in favor of the dogs' rescue, and then released one dozen dogs into BR's custody. This is the week that we follow through on sad euthanasia decisions for the more troubled dogs while hammering out transport plans and begging up last minute foster options for the others. I really want to explain more about the feds who worked so hard to make sure the victims from this case got a real chance, but not every dog from this locale is able to be released yet, so I'll bite my tongue. But please put a bookmark in this chapter because the story needs to be told.

Maybe you're like us? We're starting to become strangely comfortable with news that yet another group of bust dogs who once had a snowball's chance of a future have zig-zagged their way to safety. And all via the efforts of a whole lotta good people who happen to believe in the same version of justice for the victims. It truly is a brand new day for our beloved breed.

Above. This pretty girl is about to be absorbed into the care of A Rotta Love Plus. We're all very envious of whoever ends up adopting her!

Photo Contest

There are over 1100 unused votes at this eleventh hour of the My Dog is Family photo contest. Yowsa! We predict a wild and crazy Wednes/Thurs as people pour last minute votes in to their fav photos.

I've had to go back to this photo three times this weekend just for the smile. This is Doula, owned by Bridget Hodson of Fair Oaks, CA. Her story of Doula is as rich as her photo. Treat yourself and give it a look today.


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