Monday, October 12, 2009

Before I say anything...

This post is NOT based on an official statement or anything, but just a simple, personal post, where I needed to get it all out. lol.

First of all, I want u guys to take a look at this:

"ºC-ute DVD Magazine Vol.12", which came out recently.
(Note: these videos are not subbed -_-")

Aaand now, "Berryz Koubou DVD Magazine Vol.18".
(Note: these videos are not subbed either -_-")


Why is it!? that Berryz always seem to have such a cool DVD Magazine, and ºC-ute doesn't seem to get much?
Cost-wise (they are clearly on a tight budget),
Idea-wise (Playing board games at school??),
Fashion-wise (just a sports wear??) etc etc..


As a ºC-ute supporter, saaaad... -_-"
I'm not complaining or angy at Berryz, but I don't think ºC-ute is not getting enough...

But I've noticed recently, that ºC-ute is losing their popularity very dramatically over the past few months. I wonder if that's one of the reason they are not spending much time on them anymore.....
Or is it that they are not very entertaining anymore...? O_o

Oh, and did you know, that Morning Musume is losing their popularity dramatically as well?? (Apart from Sayumi, who is gaining lots of work as an individual and has been in lots of TV shows recently)
Apparently, according to those Japanese Wotas, they've had a discussion board on how only HALF seats were sold on their recent concert. This case has never occurred before, and this tells us that they are in a serious condition...

I hope they would never fall apart, and stop their activities, but it seems the time is getting closer... well at least, it feels like it... Because remember, they are soo big for us in our lives, but the majority of the people in Japan hardly know who Hello!Project people are. They didn't even know that MM still existed until recently -_-" (and most of them doesn't know that Berryz and ºC-ute are part of the Hello!Project...)

But then again, we've had these discussions going on and on for ages, so they might still survive for another couple of years! who knows? =P haha

Well, let's hope Tsunku makes some really good songs and make H!P popular again =P

Aaanyway, thanks for reading til the end =D



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