Here it is! The ful PV of 'Ryuusei Boy' one half of Berryz Koubou's 21st single.
--- *flails arms* There was so much arm-flailing wrist and jump action going on here!
The PV was pretty much just a dance-shot with close-ups and then during the instrumental, this random scene of the Berryz turning into CG lights that bring rise to the big bang and essentially materialise the Earth. LOL... man, that was so weird.
Overall, it was pretty entertaining, but Berryz never fail to entertain. And the dance was cute!
--- Oh YEAH!! I forgot to mention... The flu has been rapidly spreading through Berryz Koubou! Now, FOUR members have caught it!
First (as I had mentioned previously) it was Momoko and then it was Miya and now Maasa and Risako have all caught it too! They are all taking time off to rest, so the Berryz Koubou concerts this weekend have been rescheduled. I hope they all get better soon!! :(