YAY! MORE BERRYZ STUFF!! I don't even remember when they had this event, but it's new!!
I'll post the videos here, but for the most part I just skipped to the singing! LOL! Because I don't understand what they talk about OTL I'll need B.B to translate for me later! XD
Shimizu Saki (清水佐紀)
Captain sang 'Himitsu no U.TA.HI.ME' (Berryz Koubou). I think Captain is, out of Berryz, probably the most comfortable singing in falsetto. Her high-notes were really good!
Tsugunaga Momoko (嗣永桃子)
Momoko cheated and did a mini-live so she could sing 3 songs! She sang 'Sakura Chirari' (ºC-ute), 'Hare Ame Nochi Suki' (Morning Musume Sakura Gumi) & 'Rottara Rottara' (Buono!) Mmm... Momoko is still kind of pitchy at these solo events and her high notes in Hare Ami Nochi Suki kind of scared me, but she made up for it in Rottara Rottara! She sang that really well! :) And she has really cool shoes! DO WANT!
Tokunaga Chinami (徳永千奈美)
She sang 'CLAP' (Berryz Koubou) and they faded it out. I really liked her sneakers... That is all.
Sudou Maasa (須藤茉麻)
OH.MY.GOD. MAASA ON GUITAR!! SHE WAS SO SCARED BUT SO AWESOME!! AND LOOKED SO COOOL!! She played 'Munasawagi Scarlet' (Berryz Koubou) on Guitar!! :D Maasa wins!! TOTALLY!!
Natsuyaki Miyabi (夏焼雅)
Miya sang her theme song 'Shoushitsuten - Vanishing Point' (Buono!). Not her best performance, but her voice is still probably my favourite in Berryz. Miya had really cool shoes. Her and Momoko, it must be Buono!'s influence! ;)
Kumai Yurina (熊井友理奈)
Kumai sang her Berryz theme song 'Anshinkan' (Berryz Koubou). Mmm, I don't know... her voice is yet to win me over and she was pitchy at the start. I think she did better at the fan club event in Hawaii
Sugaya Risako (菅谷梨沙子)
Risako started off really well, REALLY well. She surprised me, because she didn't sound deep at all! She had some trouble with her high notes, but I think she's really improving! Oh, Risako sang 'Natsu Remember you' (Berryz Koubou)