Saturday, October 3, 2009

After the Jay Leno Show on Wednesday night, emails started pouring in from people begging us to slam Chris Rock for comments made regarding Michael Vick and his pit bulls. I admit I didn't watch it, altho we're told this is how it went:

Jay Leno: "It's amazing to me that you mistreat a dog and you lose your career and go to jail for two years."

Chris Rock: "What the hell did Michael Vick do, man? A dog, a pit bull ain't even a real dog. A pit bull, that's the white stuff. Dogs are white mans best friend - dogs have never been good to black people."

Yeah. Chris Rock is like so many desperate comedians who shoot hard from the hip in hopes of offending somebody - anybody - into an uncomfortable laugh. If you're black - you get a free pass on caring for animals, so we're all going to give Michael Vick a big prime-time hug now because poor baby's been misunderstood. White people have clearly over-estimated his moral obligation to care about anything besides himself, and we need to just lay the fuck off. Ha, ha, Chris. I'm laughing til I split.

I'm glad I missed that show. Leno hit a new low, too.

I don't think anyone's stuck their neck out this far though, even to get a cheap laugh:

"Pit bulls ain't even real dogs."
And his truth - which is obviously not our truth - strikes at the core of why they will continue to suffer in so many hands. Caring about dogs is seen as weak, and pit bulls fall somewhere much, much lower than other dogs on the how-much-to-care scale. (They're bred to be abused, remember?) That helps explain why to this date, Vick has yet to make mention of dogs, his dogs, (Has he even used the word "dog"?) even while speaking as an 'animal rights advocate' alongside HSUS top dog Wayne Pacelle in D.C.

Don't show that you're weak, man. Temper your words carefully so your boys don't laugh at you once the cameras are off.

"What the hell did Michael Vick do, man?" Well right now, he's showing us exactly how much work we have to do to bring those lowly pit bulls back into our circle of compassion in this country.

Thanks for helping with that, Rock. You're hilarious.


Now THIS is funny: Jimmy Kimmey on Vick
And if you like the Onion ...'Michael Vick Fails To Inspire Team With 'Great' Dogfighting Story' (Pssst. The Onion is a parody rag. Love it.)


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