Friday, October 16, 2009

NEW NBA Rule???

There is a new rule in the NBA that could possibly impact the game, but I feel this is flying under the radar and not a lot of people are talking about this.

NBA players will be able to take two steps before they have to stop, pass or shoot this season.

The NBA has put into writing a rule allowing players on the move to gather the ball, after driving or catching it, and then take two steps. Throughout NBA history, the rulebook said players could take one step.

Not real sure what to think of this. I feel like this is something they have let slide in the past, but I don’t think they needed to change the rule. I feel like this is a way for David Stern to ensure Lebron James and his crab dribble a NBA Championship.

When players knew they were only supposed to take one step, they would take two anyways. Are we going to see guys trying to get three steps now? Should we just cut dribbling out all together…..Just leave the NBA alone David Stern!

BallHype: hype it up!


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