Monday, October 5, 2009

Ok, so I'm not one of those girls that puts on make up and looks COMPLETELY different. BUT; when I wear make up it enhances my features and make me look older... not different, they're two different things. ANYHOW; thus being said, when I don't wear make up I look about 15... Well, I tend to not wear make up sometimes to class because I'm in a rush, but usually I put it on, so that people don't look confused that a 15 year old is attending college.

Well here is the story: I was sitting in class, my usual seat where I sit monday and wednesday... I was reading my book ((ooooo peeta! i love you)) When my friend comes up to me and say's: " I'm sorry someone usually sits here" I look up, smile and say, "yessss i do sit here!" she and i both burst up laughing and she replies that i look "12 without make up" uhhh? coooool i look younger than I thought....

I guess the plus side to this situation is that when i'm 55, i will be one smokin hot lady, if i look like I'm 47! haha

Here is me: the 15 year old, errr, I guess 12:


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