Saturday, November 7, 2009

I've been waiting SOOO SO LONG for this concert to come out! And it's finally here!

It's also been a long time since our last review, so I hope we're not rusty!
Here we go!
NB: Hagiwara Mai does not participate in this DVD as she was ill at the time.

Banana A. Banana B.

1. Guru Guru JUMP (All)

A good high-energy opening!

Nice song choice =D

2. Piriri to Yukou (All except S/mileage)

Interesting song choice! But it's Berryz, so YAY!
haha I can see why they chose this song because of the Okinawa-Style (Okinawa has a traditional dish called "Goya Champloo". So I'm guessing he chose this song for that purpose).


I always try to hear how much the audience cheers for each group. Couldn't tell the difference this time though.

MC1 (Inaba/Makoto)

3. Ama no Jaku (S/mileage)

Good performance, but I think I've heard this song too many times now.
Yea, same here. I wanted to see them sing the other new song, but I keep forgetting that this concert's old..

4. Omakase♪Guardian (Guardians 4)

I don't really like Guardians4 and this song is probably my most unfavourite from them. Although Risako was SO GOOD! Damn this girl keeps on improving!
LOL at the PV at the background. I can't believe they had the courage to play it on the big sceen =P haha

5. Minimoni. Jankenpyon! (Shin Minimoni.)

Don't really like this song, but it was a cute performance! It was lip-synched though, right?
-_-" I was a bit disappointed.. The original Minimoni has such a strong impact in the H!P history, and so, I couldn't help myself from comparing the groups... This new group is no where near as good as the original... I miss the old Minimoni T-T

MC2 (Makoto/Mano/Lin Lin/Takeuchi・Miyamoto)

6. Sekai wa Summer Party (Mano Erina with S/mileage back-up dancing)

I played spot S/mileage the whole time during this performance. ManoVegetable really doesn't do anything for me.
I agree. Every time I see her, she just reminds me of that vegetable, and nothing else comes to mind..

7. Shochuu Omimai Moshiagemasu (℃-ute)

Hmm... not my favourite ºC-ute song... But performance wise, it was okay.
Ume-san's still here!!! =D Not my favourite ºC-ute song either, but their performances are so cute X) I hope they get better songs next round =D

8. Seishun Bus Guide (Berryz Koubou)

Woohoo! Go Berryz! Risako's singing is REALLY improving, as is her stage presence. Miya has been kind of inconsistent lately. I think maybe she's trying to change her singing voice like Airi. She's sounding more sultry now.
Yea, Risako has always been one of my favourite performer =) She is indeed improving a lot lately! I'm looking forward to see them sing their new song on stage soon =)

MC3 (Makoto/Shimizu/Natsuyaki)

9. Nanchatte Renai (Morning Musume.)

I think I've seen Momusu perform this WAY too many times now. I really used to like this song, but I'm a bit sick of it now.
Yea, same here. I've watched them sing this too many times =P

10. Shouganai Yume Oibito (Morning Musume.)

Same goes for this song. I've seen it too many times, but it's kind of my own fault. LOL
Yea~.. it's getting too old for me now too LOL

MC4 (Inaba/Makoto)

11. Debut! ~Koi Suru Kado ni wa Fuku Kitaru~ (Ice Cream Musume)

Weren't there more of these ice-cream girls before?
Oh, yea~!! There were like 8 of them, weren't there?? lol

12. Yume to Genjitsu (Aa!)

I think this could possibly hae been my favourite performance of the concert! Aa! were SO DAMN COOL! As soon as the song started, I was just guaaah... So dark and ROCK with super sharp dance moves. Miya and Airi are two of the best singers of H!Pkids and Akari did a greatd job of keeping up with them! The only thing that kind of irked me was the strange wavy arm-flailing as they ran around... it looked kind of LOL. It's Buono! But... NOT!
AAAAWWWEEESSSOOMMEE!!! I don't know how many times I've watched the same clip over and over now! haha Awesome song, awesome performance, awesome singers, awesome dancers, period. X) I kinda liked how they were in a similar hight range too (no offence to Momo). I've noticed that "strange wavy arm-flailing" as well. lol Airi kinda seem to enjoy doing that move tho. haha Now that I've seen this, I'm kinda glad Reina wasn't in this group anymore.. =P

EDIT: 'Yume to Genjitsu' Concert Rip mp3 download HERE

13. Pira!Otome no Negai (Petitmoni V)

Damn, this song annoyed me to no end! DX I hated the bliblupbabalup... whatever it was, and it was sung by two of the weaker singers in H!P, in some parts I thought their rhythm was off. I wish they had sung the song from the Champloo album instead of this one. They were also down one member without MaiMai there which cost them. The only thing that made me a little bit happy in this song was the part where Nakky pretend slapped ManoVegetable. LOL
I LOVED it =D after watching it few times, it gets really catchy!! You get to see a lot of Nakky in this one, and her slapping the Vegetable! I thought it was awesome =D I noticed their rhythm was a bit off as well, but I think it's mostly Vegetable's fault. (watch where Vegetable sings her solo and you'll understand) =P Go Nakky! (I actually can't see Maimai singing this song with them...)

MC5 (Makoto/S/mileage)

14. Heya to Yshatsu to Watashi (Tanaka Reina)

I really like this song!
Reina has done a really great job on this song =D Usually, I don't really like cover songs, but her song was the only song I didn't mind listening to it over and over in the Champloo Album =)

15. Umbrella (Tanpopo #)

Sometimes this song sounded like Aa!'s Yume no Genjitsu ... That was a great performance. LOL...
I... uhh... didn't really like this song... I kinda drifted away subconsciously while watching it..

16. MY BOY (Buono!)

I'd been waiting SO long to see this live! Buono! never disappoints! Great performance from my favourite H!P group! :D
Awesome!! X) The BEST group ever!! Buono!~~

17. JUMP (All)

I liked how everyone was wearing different outfits during this song. Jump Airi! JUMP!

MC6 (Makoto/Yajima/Nakajima/Okai)

18. Cosmos (Takahashi Ai)

YAWN... I don't like this song.
Wotas (at the concert) calls it the "Toilet break"... -_-"

19. ONLY YOU (Zoku Biyuuden)

This song was awesome until Sayu started singing... Damn, I'm so mean! But her voice after Risako's is just so... Risako's voice is getting more and more powerful and mature sounding, while Sayu's voice still remains baby sounding. JunJun and Risako's voices gel together better because they're both deep. While I think Sayu had a good performance, I think she sounded out of place in this song.
Yea, I'm totally with you B.A. I can tell Sayu's trying sooo hard to fit in, but her voice is way too different from the other two. Maybe they need different type of song to sing together.

20. Iku ZYX FLY HIGH! (ZYX-α)

How cute were their dresses!? I really liked this performance. I'm glad Ume-san got a lot of lines, since it's her last concert together with the whole H!P.
Yea, I was surprised! Ume-san have had a LOT of lines! and she usually doesn't -even in her own group! I'm happy for her =D

21. DIAMONDS (High-King)

I'm so glad High-King got put back together! The harmonies in this song were pretty nice! Maimi's long black pants made her look so tall and leggy though!
I was like..... What are they wearing!?!?!?!? lol What's with those flappy things they've got stuck on their outfit? X( haha I wasn't happy with Ai-chan's outfit there... -_-" But nice performance =D

22. C\C (High-King)

The dance to this song is so cool! I love watching Captain dance! :D
Go leaders!/Captains! =D

MC7 (Makoto/Takahashi/Kusumi/Michishige)

And here we come to the part of the concert with the 3 most overused songs. I mean, these groups all perform their respective songs well, but I'd like to hear something else from them sometimes.
23. Special Generation (Berryz Koubou)

Although I really like this song, it's totally overused! Yeah, yeah... I know it's like Berryz's key song, but still! They have so many other songs that I'd like to see live.
♪Suppe sha~ru Jenere~shion~♪

24. Tokaikko Junjou (℃-ute)

Same goes for this song! It's so expected... And why did Airi sing all MaiMai's lines? The whole song is pretty much Airi already... give someone else a go.
♪Yume~wo miteru~~ Kokyu~shiteru~~♪

MC8 (℃-ute)

25. Resonant Blue (Morning Musume.)

It was good, but expected.
♪Kanashimi ga kodama suru~~ Woo~ oo~♪

26. Sono Bamen de Bibiccha Ikenaijan! (All)

27. Koko ni Iruzee! (All)

MC8 (Member introduction)

28. Aozora ga Itsumademo Tsuzuku youna Mirai de Are! (All)

Overall Impression:
This concert was good albeit a little predictable with the song choices, especially with Special Generation, Tokaikko Junjou and Resonant Blue. I did, however really enjoy all the new units! (Except Petitmoni and to a degree Tanpopo#.) Risako's voice is improving so much and it's nice to see the Eggs getting some action! I think the costuming for this concert was really nice too!... Yeah, it was an entertaining watch.
I did enjoy this concert as well =D Especially those new group units! And to say it specifically, the new Aa! & Petit Moni V =) As B.A. says, it was a bit predictable on the other song choices, but maybe it was a good chance for the new wotas to know them better? (if there IS any... -_-") Aaanyway, for those who are still debating whether you should watch it or not, I recommend to watch Aa! and those other new group units at least =D It's good entertainment X)

You can watch this whole concert from HERE.

B.A. & B.B


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