Monday, November 9, 2009

Being an outsider...

Yesterday, in my social psychology class we had a test (which I pretty much made that test my biotch...holla at your girl!) Anyway, on the study guide it said to give an example of an "outsider." A girl that was sitting behind me, tapped my shoulder before class started and asked me if I could give her an example. So I proceeded to tell her, and she says; "OH! like you" she instantly starts to go on, explaining what she meant, "I mean, because you don't follow the norm, you do what you want." She's about to go on to clarify that she didn't mean it in a negative way, and looks puzzled as to why I am smiling.

I respond: "Simma down now, you had me at outsider" Ok, I didn't REALLY say that, but how frickin funny would that have been? - you know, "you had me at hello" ok.... what I really replied was, "Exactly. Just like me" and turn back into my seat, smug as can be. Knowing that is one of the best compliments, I could have received.

Since when did "outsider" become a negative term? Why would I want to follow the "norm"?

I don't want to be the same as everyone and if that makes me an outsider, well, then I will wear that title proudly with my head held high.


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