Monday, December 7, 2009

Wow, what a wild weekend for Frog fans. Two days of college football drama and TCU came up short on pretty much everything. Not all is lost though. There are still plenty of positives…and some negatives. Let me vent.

If you are like me, you hit on pretty much every emotion there is at least once this weekend. I’ve been chill, anxious, excited, angry, nervous, mad, and sad…You name it and I went through it. When I first heard about the possibility of TCU being paired with Boise State in the Fiesta Bowl, I was furious! That is like being invited to the party but having to sit at the kids table. Now that I have sat back and let it digest, I am still disappointed, but I am also still very happy for this Horned Frog team.

Before I get to the positives, let me get this off my chest first…

This matchup is a total slap in the face to both programs. The reason the non-BCS schools want to make it to the BCS games is to show they can play with anyone. This doesn’t do that. This ensures that another “elite BCS team” doesn’t get embarrassed again. “This shows more than anything that the BCS is open to and willing to have all matchups,” said BCS executive director Bill Hancock. No Bill, this shows that the BCS Cartel is afraid to have one of its members exposed for what they really are. The Fiesta Bowl wants to claim that it’s some kind of pioneer by inviting two non-BCS teams, but really, they are just hurting the teams, fans, and their atrocity of a system they call the Bowl Championship Series. Not to mention, this is the third time since 2003 that TCU and Boise State have faced off in a bowl game.

Now that I got that off my chest, let’s look on the brighter side.

TCU fans should not let a terrible decision ruin this special season. The Horned Frogs finished the season undefeated, finished with a top 10 offense and defense, and we are going to a BCS Bowl for the first time in our schools history. That is no easy achievement. When was the last time Texas Tech or Baylor went to a BCS Bowl? Oh wait…they still haven’t! (Yes, I had to get that shot in there) There are VERY few things that would keep me from witnessing this game in person.

I know a lot of Frog fans are disappointed with this matchup, but the Fiesta Bowl is the only bowl outside of the National Championship game that pairs two undefeated teams. Also, last year’s Poinsettia Bowl between TCU and Boise State was the highest rated non-BCS bowl game. I think there are still a lot of people intrigued with this game.

The Frogs have a good opportunity here and they need to perform well to set themselves up for next season. The team will get a lot of national exposure and get in a lot of extra practices that non-bowl eligible teams don’t get. They also have the chance of closing out the season #2 in the nation. I expect Texas and Cincinnati to lose while the Frogs take care of business against the Broncos. The higher TCU can finish this season, the better it will set them up in next year’s pre-season rankings. The Frogs have 16 starters returning, including QB Andy Dalton. This team is not a one hit wonder, and you can bet your money on that. Speaking of money…this bowl game helps the program out tremendously in the financial department. TCU is set to bring in somewhere between $3-6 million by appearing in the Fiesta Bowl.

And, just one more little thing to throw in here…The Fiesta Bowl will be played on Monday, January 4th. There is no Monday Night Football that night, so everyone needing their football fix will be tuned into this game.

I know once I got over the disappointment, I got excited once again. I am looking forward to seeing my Frogs dominate in a BCS Bowl. I am also excited to see the University of Phoenix Stadium. Coach Patterson said it best "I said our whole deal is we're going to have to show the nation in this next bowl game that we belong, that we're one of the top two teams in the nation." I will be in Glendale wearing purple and I hope the rest of you TCU fans follow.



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